Review: Young and Wild (2012)


A publicity photo for the film. It didn’t get quite this debauched.

A very interesting film from Chile about a young girl with evangelistic religious manic parents who do every thing they can to repress her sexuality.

This of course has precisely the opposite affect and the girls sets about various interludes with both her boyfriend and another girl, which she chronicles in her online blog “Young and Wild”.

My only criticism of a quite entertaining film was that it was unnecessarily graphic in part. Whilst I don’t see a major problem with pornography as such, having it spliced through this movie constantly for dramatic affect only degraded the film somewhat. The story could have been told just as effectively without having to get quite so vernacular.

Having said that a close argument could be made that it was directly related to the turmoil inside the young girl Daniella and the rebellion she showed to the puritanical life in which she is placed. I guess its just a matter of taste,

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