Review: Jeune et Jolie (2013)


Yes I think she finally got the seduction bit right…

Otherwise known as Young and BeautifulJeune et Jolie is yet another French film about a young girl becoming a prostitute.

One has to wonder i guess why there are quite so many films of this ilk coming out at the moment in World Cinema, it seems to be a topic that is both titillating and fascinating to audiences the world over.

I don’t think its all men in their forties that are driving a market for this type of film either, as they are doing the job and winning awards at Cannes (Although you might find some link as they invariably contain lots of nude scenes of beautiful young actresses with decrepit old men!).

This films perhaps stands out as an exploration of a young girls journey to understanding seduction. Through her work she slowly realizes that their is more to sex than just the act itself.

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