Review: Sleeping Beauty (2011)

sleeping beauty 2

Lucy sleeping. Yes I know very pleasant on the eyes.

Ok this film is Australian and yes its a good Australian film, although be prepared for something rather offbeat and unusual….

Sort of following the same basic story of Careless Love (which followed the french film Student Services) we meet sweet little Lucy who is a university student working an incredible number of jobs day and night but somehow is flat broke. It is suggested this might be because of her alcoholic mother who rings her up at work on one occasion demanding her credit card number.

In the midst of losing the roof over her head and moving into a clearly more expensive apartment she takes a job as a lingerie waitress for some very strange exclusive parties. This works its way into some work sleeping with old men (not what you think).

An intriguing film right up to the end made ever more watchable by careful frame composition throughout.

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