Review: The Wolverine (2013)

Whilst I have mildly enjoyed the X-Men series of films I think this latest instalment is milking the 220px-The_Wolverine_posterUSfranchise somewhat.

The film had all the spills and thrills of its predecessors, despite being something of a Hong Kong action film (set in Japan) but it somehow failed to really get really very interesting….

Of course I would say that because super hero films are not really my scene, so being fair if you enjoyed the previous five films, you will thoroughly enjoy this one and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about!

The Wolverine goes to visit a dying friend whom he saved from the Nagasaki Nuclear blast during WWII and suddenly starts to feel weak, like he’s almost losing his super powers…No its not from surviving a nuclear blast (that’s kids stuff) its a sinister plot which the film spends the next two hours or so unravelling.


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