Review: Furious 6 (2013)

In another instalment of the Fast and The Furious, this year we get Furious 6. It is hard to believe Fast-and-Furious-6-Wallpaper-2013watching this film, that the franchise is about a group of Street Racers led by Vin Diesel getting up to a bit of mischief with muscle cars.

Furious 6 was more like a bond film with the crew pitched as some type of international mercenaries fighting another group of nasty street racers for Interpol (headed up by the Rock of course). Suddenly they have become experts with guns and explosives, computers, you name it; very little grease on their hands here. Back from the dead in a strange twist is Michelle Rodriguez and pretty much everyone from the original movies.

Whilst I enjoyed the film immensely I can’t help but think its kind of getting a bit far from the original idea (good thing in my case as not being a rev head the originals were fairly uninteresting). Muscle cars and rev heads was what gave the franchise the success it has had and I wonder whether its die-hard fans will like the new changes in Furious 6.




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