Review: The Great Gatsby (2013)


Leonardo was “Great” as Gatsby but what was with all the Nasty sounding Hip Hop?

I was always very affected by the F. Scott Fitzgerald book of The Great Gatsby, although when I first read it at 14 I thought it was a tale of undying love, now middle-aged I think it was more about what a mega-bitch Daisy was!

I was looking forward to this big budget film. I was a little disappointed with the film made of the book in the seventies starring Robert Redford and expected this “Titanic” production would redeem Hollywood’s treatment of the book.

The film itself was absolutely brilliant and captured every subtle nuance of the book. The characters were just as I had always imagined them and the acting performances were superb.

The film was utterly ruined by a dismal choice of music for the soundtrack. In the first hour the films brilliance was soiled by completely inappropriate nasty sounding hip hop, not a tune from the era as you would expect, but some gangster rapper chanting away about killing someone or other. In the second half of the film for some reason this seemed to stop and the score actually fitted the movie. Now don’t get me wrong, I quite like hip hop, but it was completely out of place in this film. Maybe they realised this in the second hour? Very strange.

I buy a lot of DVD’s and this is certainly one I “would” purchase, but they will have to get rid of the ridiculous music soundtrack first. I am hoping for a DVD with a “nasty rap off” option.

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