Review: Man of Steel (2013)

I have always tended to consider the Superman series of movies light entertainment more than ea_manofsteel_posterany type of serious science fiction film. The older movies with Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder had their particular kind of charm, Superman Returns (or “Superman the Stalker”) however was just way too creepy!

What we have here with the Man of Steel is a serious exploration of the Science Fiction aspects of the entire story. Sure the man of Steel is in their faster than a speeding bullet etc. but he is painted very much as an alien learning to cope with his newly adopted planet.

Drawing on the second Superman film (well it was actually the first if you accept the Director’s cut of Superman I) we see the character of General Zod forming an integral part of the story complete with space ships and futuristic equipment and battles.

Super hero purists will probably hate this film, but for those of us who were not very interested in Super heroes in the first place this is a very interesting Science Fiction film with a stellar cast including Kevin Costner, Diane Lane and Russell Crowe.

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