Review: Arthur (2011)

I had this film sitting around to watch for quite a while (well a couple of years actually). It arthurwas on my if-I-absolutely-run-out-of-everything-to-watch pile for two years because I plain didn’t like the original version with Dudley Moore.

Ok it wasn’t the worst film ever made, but seeing that kind of waste and squandering (even as a comedy) usually makes me want to put my foot through the screen.

I was delightfully surprised with the re-make which, unlike the original, was actually very, very funny. Starring Russell Brand who I loved in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (he particularly cracked me up when he divorced Katy Perry via SMS!) and the multi-talented Helen Mirren who was a brilliant straight person to Brand’s craziness.

As the cat is out of the bag anyway (this is a remake) the story sort of went: Brand mega-rich spoiled, immature, alchoholic heir is forced by his mother to marry a woman she has chosen to try and straighten him out, or lose his mega squillions. The women he is forced to marry is Jennifer Garner who looks fairly typically like the average square-jawed over-toned American woman with the motor mouth to match. Brand much prefers cutsey Greta Gerwig and there the fun begins.

If you hated the original like me, give this remake a try, you will be delightfully surprised.


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