Review: Disconnect (2012)

Disconnect is a very good film, despite being American and despite having some big namedisconnect stars in it (yes I think Hollywood should stay away from Canne!). In a lot of ways Disconnect talks about the disconnection between human beings that has occurred because of Internet communication.

Told through three stories whose characters interact at the edges at times; We experience an interview that becomes a romance of sorts between a reporter and an Internet sex room performer, the bullying of a socially inept teenager by his peers and the theft of identity and money from a young struggling couple.

A common theme running through the film also seems to be loss: each of the main characters seem to have suffered the death of a significant person in their lives. The main characters cope with this in different ways, variously disconnected either from reality or each other by technology. This film is full of people spending their lives on phones (texting at the dinner table!) and other Internet technology rather than relating to each other. This of courses changes through experience (be no point in the film otherwise), but I won’t spoil the ending for you.


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