Review: R.I.P.D. (2013)

From the beginning I was tending to think R.I.P.D. was a bit of a remake of the Men in Black franchise with a slight twist to stave off the law suits.. Well yes there were some definite similarities (except of course Men in Black was about aliens, R.I.P.D. is about ghosts), but more than anything it reminded me of the Ghost busters films.ripd-jameshong-grandpachen-marisamiller-600

R.I.P.D. was essentially a religious comedy assuming your agreement with American Jesus fervour in the spirit of so many films of the fifties. Once you get over this (if like me you tend to switch off when it pops up in films..) it was a quite entertaining film with 5/10 cgi effects.

Without wanting to give the whole film away, a cop dies goes to heaven and gets the option to return as part of the R.I.P.D. to police the ghosts of dead people who refuse to leave the earth after they die.

The twists and turns kept you guessing until the end. Not one I’d watch again or put in the top 50 movies but some mild entertainment to kill a few hours.

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