Review: World War Z (2013)

After a massive media build up I was looking forward to finally seeing World War Z. If I was to summarize the film in a few words I’d say it was an average Zombie Flick with some interesting ideas.

Brad Pitt just didn’t seem to suit the role very well and the family scenes that dominate theWWZ earlier part of the film were frankly fairly unconvincing. Unless of course this is how American families really are, in which case I was kinda glad when the Zombies started chasing them…

The middle of the film broke some new and interesting ground in the Zombie genre and its quite a shame that the film had a poor beginning (and ending as it turned out), almost like two different people wrote those sections of the script.

Frankly if you want to watch this film I would suggest you get the DVD of the 2002 film 28 days later (or even its not as good American money 2007 sequel 28 Weeks later..) and enjoy a good Zombie flick.

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