Its the End..Foxtel Download is Closing

Fashion TV we miss all those hours staring at what we can never have..although note to speaking please!

I got a letter from Foxtel the other day (hang on do they advertise with us….) telling me
heir download service has been Kuthlumped. No explanation, just we’re closing it. This
I found rather curious as I disconnected Foxtel a year or two ago!

It wasn’t their fault really, I wasn’t really chuffed about paying for a service with
advertising, but I had it connected in the full knowledge it was there. The young
beautiful and very reasonable girl that came to my door through the mists of
Bachelorhood showed me that it was for me.

To my thinking Pay TV should be about much much less advertising than free to air TV.
Maybe sneak an ad in their now and then but wherever possible put the brakes on
intrusive advertising. But in balance I liked the content they had  available  (the young
beautiful girl told me I did) and it seemed like a good deal.

I have read the “we did  a survey and 200% of people said they missed the advertising
and please could they have it back” put out by the Pay TV industry too, do they really
think Australian’s believe that?

The actual reason I ground my teeth and had Foxtel switched off was that after paying
for every movie package I could find I discovered they are required to censor movies
just like Free to air TV stations. I say “required” because I don’t blame Foxtel for this
policy, its something that was imposed on them from the dark days of the Family
First-Howard government. I don’t necessarily always want to watch the type of movie’s
that might be subjected to the censors scissors, but as a coughing, hairy, obese middle
age adult male I expect the right to choose what I do and don’t see without some
do-gooder deciding for me on the basis of the religious or social values they consider
to be the norm, usually held by a minority.

The argument of the “control everything we see and hear” brigade was always “God
won’t someone protect the children”. Hmm ok. I agree, I am very outspoken about
children and teenagers being closely supervised when accessing the Internet because
of the amount of really awful (and plain sexually misleading) stuff on there.  However
we have a morass of  parental locks and pin codes on Foxtel to just precisely “protect
the children” from harmful images. The Federal government also made it a requirement
of all new Digital set top boxes sold in Australia, that they have a parental locking

So there is now precisely no excuse for this arcane television censorship regime with
watershed’s and AO Modified  versions . Ok one in a hundred parents will still not
protect their children from harmful content even with this technology in place, but the
same parents will probably also for example take drugs in front of their children, feed
them dog food or takeaways for breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and generally give them
the poor care no amount of laws can stop.

That this type of control continues unabated, makes it pretty clear to me that it was
just the minority imposing their  narrow views on everyone in the first place, they care
little “for the children” or anything else. I can see a conspiracy theory developing here,
I need a coffee and a lay down…

I liked Foxtel and if they ever get the Movie censorship sorted out I will probably
subscribe again, why if a fabulously beautiful Foxtel girl came to my door tomorrow
and said those magic words “uncensored movies” everything would be wonderful and
Land of Oz. Note to Foxtel Reps: Sorry “Sports Package” is as good as trying to sell me
static on the screen…why is their this assumption that we all love “the footy” because
we’re male. “We’re bringing back Fashion TV” is probably better if you are looking for
a “dead cert” multipurpose sales pitch for the average male at the door..

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